Location type. ie Churches, Parks, Amenities, etc.

Maximum upload size: 2.00 GB
Enter the text for your location page. In the Options screen, you can set the intro text to show in the pins info box. This includes text and images.
Select the map this locations marker will be displayed on.
The type of location. Be sure to define your types on the Location Types screen first. You have the ability to assign locations to multiple types using the next dropdown. This dropdown will be used as the primary type and determine the link for search results, etc.
You can define a location as belonging to multiple types. For example a Gymnasium with a Cafe attached could be represented in the legend as a 'Sporting Venue' and a 'Restaurant'.
This is the frontend address to be displayed to the user.
Can be shown in the infobox. See the infobox option in the JoomMap configuration.
You can manually enter a value here. Alternatively, use the button above to determine the latitude and longitude of your desired location.
You can manually enter a value here. Alternatively, use the button above to determine the latitude and longitude of your desired location.